That’s a Wrap!

We’re fast approaching the end of the academic year, it’s been a busy but exciting year and students have taken part in a tremendous number of hours of enrichment activity. This is a fantastic achievement, well done to all who got involved! This will be the last blog post before the summer holidays so without further ado let’s check out some of the activities that have been taking place over the last few weeks.

Sightseeing in London

Tower bridge in all its glory

A group of students from Business and Public Services visited London for a couple of days sightseeing in the capital. The group saw iconic landmarks including Tower Bridge, the Shard and the Houses of Parliament. Students also visited the Bank of England Museum and City of London Policing Museum; which takes visitors on a journey exploring London’s policing history, including infamous cases such as Jack the Ripper. This visit was partially funded by the Essential Life Skills project and was a fantastic opportunity for our students to explore the Big Smoke!

Asian Bridal Make-up

Students helping each other recreate a stunning Asian bridal makeup look.

We held an Asian bridal themed make-up masterclass as a trial enrichment activity. Students were given the opportunity to learn from a professional make-up artist how to recreate an Asian bridal look. Students were able to learn and practice their creative make-up skills and also experiment with lots of types of products, from primer to false eyelashes.

The two hour workshop was a great success with some budding make-up artists in the making we think! We hope to run a variety of different make-up masterclasses in the new academic year with the help of HE media make-up students.

Mural Masterpiece!

The finished mural in all its glory!

Well done to a group of Access to FE students who have worked extremely hard over the past couple of months to clean up a section of the Leeds Liverpool canal tow path and create a bright and cheery mural. The work carried out was in association with the Canal and River Trust who are a charity that look after 2000 miles of waterways. If you are out and about along the canal in Shipley then check out the community regeneration handy work that our students have been involved in.

Bradford College Cricket Club

Team photo on the way to Castleford

Bradford College Cricket Club had their first match on 22 May 2019 against New College Pontefract at Castleford’s Saville Park cricket ground. The students were not alone as a number of Bradford College student spectators also went along to cheer on the team including Habiba who has written a special cricket post below.

Bradford College now has its very own cricket club which began earlier this year, at first there were only a small number of people that came along, but, slowly more people began to join. Practice would take place in the sports hall at Trinity Green twice a week; I remember first going in and feeling nervous because there were a lot of boys, but after seeing the other girls play I felt more confident.

One thing that really helped me with my confidence was that the sports hall was divided into two; one side with higher ability players and the other side with players that had less knowledge about cricket and had less confidence. I stayed on the new players side with my friends and we really enjoyed it. I felt like the Bradford College Cricket Club needed more girls on the team. I think there were not a lot in the beginning because they might have felt scared, some girls just need a little confidence to try something new.

After a number of weeks practicing at Trinity Green players were improving to the point where they started practicing in the nets with hard balls which would help prepare  them for play outdoors. Following lots of indoor practice about 14 players were chosen to practice in the nets at Bradford Park Avenue cricket ground.  

BCCC against New College Pontefract 22 May 2019

On the 22 of May 2019, Bradford College’s cricket team had their first match, the game went really well and the team never gave up, however, we didn’t win this time. It was a chance for the team to play their first match together and it was a real learning curve. Sehar who went along to watch the match said “I was really enjoying the game, we didn’t win our first match, but I’m really proud of the team and I know that they will soon be winning all of their matches!” It was a better outcome on 28 May at Bradford Park Avenue where the team won against Wakefield but lost a bowl off against Sheffield.

After the match I caught up with Said, a first year Bradford College student and team member who has been coming to cricket since the beginning to find out more about his passion for cricket. “I’ve been interested in cricket ever since I was a child, I’ve been coming to cricket for about 7 months now and really enjoy it. I want to be a good cricket player and one day play for either England, or, Afghanistan.”

I feel that exciting times lie ahead for Bradford College Cricket Club, I’d like to see more girls join the team, some may feel nervous to join like me, but there is nothing to be nervous about. I hope that more girls will step outside of their comfort zone and feel more confident to get involved in cricket and other sports here at Bradford College. Finally, I would like to add a special mention to Chris Taylor from the Enrichment team who has helped build this cricket club and thanks to breaking boundaries from the cricketers who now have the equipment that they need.

Games, Games, Games!

On Saturday 8 June 2019 a group of students from the games development group visited the Arcade Club in Manchester which is Europe’s largest video and pinball arcade. With two floors jam packed with games from Mario Bros. to Mortal Kombat, it really is a gamer’s paradise! It was a brilliant day and students got the opportunity to try out the latest in VR gaming, but it was Taiko Drum Master that seemed to be a firm favourite!

Getting competitive on the Taiko Drum Master!

What’s Next?

Regular student enrichment activities will take a short break, but we’ll be back and ready to roll from September with a new timetable of enrichment activities to get involved in! We’ll be reflecting on what went well and what we can improve on and we’re all excited to see what 2019/20 will bring!

Cricket, Paper People, Spring Clean and Going Green!

ICC Cricket World Cup Trophy

Bradford College cricket students with the ICC Cricket World Cup Trophy

On Thursday 11 April cricket fans descended upon the David Hockney Building to welcome the ICC Cricket World Cup Trophy as part of its nationwide tour ahead of this year’s Cricket World Cup. Students had the opportunity to get up close and personal with the impressive trophy which provided a great photo opportunity!

To celebrate the occasion, a host of other activities were organised to create an afternoon packed with something for everyone including; a flash mob and interactive dance workshop coordinated by Punjabi Roots Academy, softball cricket led by All Stars Cricket, face painting and arts and crafts.

The event brought together staff and students who wanted to catch a glimpse of the trophy and among these were a number of Bradford College’s very own cricket students. The group was formed at the beginning of 2019 and continues to go from strength to strength with many members set to act as flagbearers at upcoming world cup matches due to be held at Headingley Cricket Ground.

It certainly looks promising for our budding cricketers who have a busy few months coming up as they prepare for their flagbearer roles along with hopes to make the official Bradford College cricket team, good luck everyone!

Canal & River Trust and the #springcleanup

Bradford College students hard at work clearing the canal tow paths

Spring is in the air and our students have been doing a spot of spring cleaning along the Leeds & Liverpool canal tow path. This is part of a ten week community regeneration project in conjunction with the Canal & River Trust and Bradford College students from Access to FE. The task to clean up a section of the Shipley tow path was no match for our students who rolled up their sleeves and cracked on with the job at hand.

Lots of elbow grease and over 70 bags later saw what was formally an overgrown and unattractive area become transformed! However, the job is not yet finished as students are planning the next phase of the regeneration project which will see a dull and drab brick wall transformed by an art mural piece. This is sure to brighten up the canal tow path and showcase our students’ creativity! Finally well done to all those involved and stay tuned for the mural masterpiece reveal which will be coming to a Bradford College Plus blog post very soon… 😊👍

Be More Green!

Stall holders from local animal shelters and Bradford Council recycling team

It’s no secret that global climate change is one of the biggest and most serious challenges that we face to date. Leading climate scientists warn that we must act now in order to minimise the damage caused by rising global temperatures. Although we face a mammoth challenge, the good news is that people are taking notice and demanding change.

With the likes of Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teenage climate activist who spearheaded the school strike for climate change movement, people are being inspired to make changes for a cleaner, greener and more sustainable world. In a bid to help raise awareness of these pressing issues, Diversity Plus held an event which featured key topics such as:

  • Global warming
  • Animal cruelty
  • Recycling
  • Veganism

The event saw local animal shelters and Bradford Council’s recycling team visit Bradford College to speak to our students and staff about the invaluable that they are involved in. The event also inspired a student to hold a bake sale (including vegan options) for their Bradford College Plus gold award which raised £58 for the local RSPCA branch who rehabilitate unwanted, abandoned and abused animals, well done!

Before all the cakes were snapped up!
These wise owl cupcakes looked too good to eat!

For those who missed the event, worry not! There is a display on the ground floor in David Hockney Building where you will find various articles including some shocking images and statistics.

As a college we will be bringing you more of these events and we hope to work with Bradford Council to support their spring clean project and the global #trashtag movement. If anyone has any particular suggestions or ideas (students or staff) then please do get in touch.

Paper People Project

An example of the great work students have created exploring identity through the paper people project

You may have seen life-size paper people appearing on the ground floor of the David Hockney building which is all thanks to the Paper People project. Workshops have been taking place over the past few weeks which have seen lots of students showcase their creativity to produce over 150 paper people! The project was developed by Suzanne Partridge following her time living in the Calais Jungle (a refugee and migrant camp in Calais, France) where she was inspired by the people living there who would often draw as an act of resilience.

The project has helped develop young people’s global awareness, particularly around the topic of migration along with explore the subject of personal identity. The end result being a display of colourful, creative and compelling paper people which will be available for all to see at an upcoming exhibition.

Student Spotlight

With each blog post we’ll feature a student who has taken part in different enrichment activities and shine a spotlight on the fantastic things that they have been getting up to! In this edition we speak to Mark who is studying creative digital media, Mark’s ambitions are to work within the games development industry specifically in art and graphics design.

Enrichment Activities:

  • Games Design and Development
  • Politics/Critical Thinking
  • Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge (planning)

What have you learnt so far from the different enrichment activities that you have taken part in?

I have learnt so much throughout the past few months with the different enrichment activities I have taken on. From hearing different views and beliefs through the politics club to being in the games design and development group where I have developed my teamwork skills. The enrichment programme has also helped me branch out to other activities that I wouldn’t normally have got involved in such as; politics/critical thinking and the Yorkshire three peaks challenge. By going to these groups I have made new friends and also gained new skills. I feel like the enrichment activities are amazing because they have helped boost my current skills and develop new ones and most importantly I have made some good friends along the way.

What has been your favourite enrichment activity so far?

I wouldn’t want to choose just one, but if I had to it would be the games design and development group as I have made a lot of connections to other like minded students which has led me to making new friends and learning some new skills too!

How will your new skills help you in the future?

Within the games design and development group I feel that I have learnt a lot of skills such as team work and most importantly time management. Time management is key when you want to be a games developer as you need to know when you want your game to be released and to prioritise your time effectively.

I have also learnt to be more mindful of everyone’s views and opinions in every situation. This is mainly through the politics club as most of us don’t have the same views so we all hear each other out and try and understand the other side, which, I feel is a really important skill to have for the future.

What’s next?

We have lots more exciting events and activities coming up including; a new outdoor project, a bridal makeup masterclass along with all our regular activities so keep your eyes peeled for the next installment.

It’s been a busy few weeks…

Brexit – To Brexit or not to Brexit?

Chances are that you have probably heard of something called “Brexit”, it was on 23 June 2016 (yes almost three years ago) that the UK (by a majority of 52%) voted to leave the European Union (EU). Since that fateful date the UK Government has been in talks with the EU to negotiate a deal which will enable the UK to leave on 29 March 2019.

To cut a very long story short, we still do not yet have a deal at present and Theresa May as the UK prime minister continues to try and convince members of parliament that her deal is the UK’s best option. There is no denying that Brexit is and continues to be a complicated task and a topic which continues to divide opinion.

In a bid to try and separate fact from fiction, Bradford College Plus hosted a Brexit themed question time event on Friday 15 March 2019. We were joined by a panel of people from different political backgrounds to talk and about Brexit and try and help clear up some of the confusion (with emphasis on ‘try’). The panel consisted of:

  • Femi Oluwole – Co-founder of Our Future Our Choice
  • Umit Yildiz – Lecturer and PhD Researcher
  • Naz Shah – British Labour Party Politician and Member of Parliament for Bradford West
  • Simon Cooke – Conservative Group Leader for Bradford Council
  • Piers Telemacque – Host – Former NUS Vice President for Society and Citizenship

Staff and students were invited to join in on the discussion and ask questions about Brexit that mattered to them. It was a fantastic event which saw a great turnout and there were plenty of important questions asked. The aim was to get more young people engaged in politics and this event did not disappoint! Don’t worry if you missed out as the event was recorded and will be available to watch very soon. Finally, thank you to all who came along and took part and also our guest speakers and those who helped make this event happen.

YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships 2019 (6 to 10 March)

Students from Bradford College’s badminton enrichment team (led by Farook Khan) took a trip to Arena Birmingham to witness the YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships 2019.

The prestigious event brings together some of the world’s best badminton players to compete in the world’s oldest annual badminton championship. It is one of four top level tournaments in the Badminton World Federation calendar which sees the best of the best compete against each other.

The visit (partially funded by Bradford College Plus) proved to be inspirational for the group who have just begun their own badminton journey. Witnessing some of the world’s best badminton athletes is likely to be an experience which will remain with these students for a long time. Raheem Mohammed, a student who was lucky enough to attend said “This experience has been priceless and has really made my year, I can’t wait to play more badminton and hopefully join a club soon.”

For anyone interested in joining Bradford College badminton classes see the Bradford College Plus website for further details and timetable.

Student Spotlight

Each month we’ll feature students who have taken part in in different enrichment activities and and shine a spotlight on the fantastic things that they have been getting up to!

This week we speak to Zehra, a first year student studying on the Introductory Certificate in Business course. Zehra hopes to pursue a career which involves helping people, possibly working for a charity that supports society’s most vulnerable.

Enrichment Activities:

  • Young Women for Peace Award
  • Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge (training and planning)
  • First Aid at Work (3 day course)
  • Women’s Only Self-Defence
  • Health & Fitness Club
  • Women’s Only Boxing
  • Arts & Crafts

What have you learnt so far from the different enrichment activities that you have taken part in?

“I have learnt so many different skills over the past few months including; time management, communication, leadership and lifesaving first aid skills. Not only have I been able to develop my skills, but, I also feel much more confident and independent especially having taken part in women’s only self-defence classes which I really enjoyed. I have been able to meet lots of new people and find out more about different cultures too. “

What has been your favourite enrichment activity so far?

“It’s too difficult to choose just one, both the three day first aid at work course and women’s self-defence I have enjoyed the most.”

How will your new skills help you in the future?

“I now feel much more confident to speak to new people and I feel this will help in situations when I have to debate or present information. After the first aid at work course I now feel that I can help anyone who needs emergency first aid, whether they be a complete stranger or someone in my family.”

What else has been happening?

Here are some highlights from the past couple of weeks, keep up the good work everyone!

ESOL, Access to FE and HE staff and students have been involved in the Paper People Project led by Suzanne Partridge. The project was created following Suzanne’s voluntary work in Calais’ ‘Jungle’, a former refugee and migrant camp in Calais, France.

Over 30 students have been busy sourcing fresh ingredients and cooking up some tasty dishes in the enrichment kitchen. We’ve had a real variety of dishes including; omlettes, pancakes, pasta, garlic bread and vegetable curry.

19 students gave up their Saturday to attend Yorkshire County Cricket Club in Headingley for volunteer training ahead of the upcoming ECB Cricket World Cup.

Students from Access to FE began a 10 week community regeneration project in Shipley alongside the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.

Stay tuned for our next blog post with more exciting enrichment stories, for any queries please do get in touch, you can email us at;

Welcome to our blog!

Thanks for joining us .

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


A warm welcome back, we hope that you enjoyed the half term break and that you are back feeling refreshed and revitalised. Every couple of weeks’ we’ll be writing about all things enrichment related to keep you up to date on the exciting things that our team are involved in.

What’s been happening?

First Aid Training

You don’t appreciate life until you get to the other side. Like lying in a hospital bed.

Fabrice Muamba

During the half term break eleven students from Bradford College gave up some of their time to attend a three day first aid at work course. This course was funded as part of Bradford College Plus and everyone got involved in this practical and hands on course.

Key topics covered included being able to deliver cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), how to place an unconscious individual into the recovery position and how to deal with a severe bleed to name a few.

First aid training is a skill that has the ability to save a person’s life. In 2018 a survey revealed that only 5% of adults within the UK had the skills and confidence to deliver first aid in an emergency situation (British Red Cross, 2018). We are working with the British Red Cross to offer interactive first aid workshops, we think that everyone should know basic first aid so please get in contact if you would like to know more about these.

Well done and congratulations to those who are now fully first aid at work certified!

What’s new?

We have lots of fantastic free enrichment activities on offer with new activities taking place now, or, due to launch soon including:

  • Cook and eat sessions (available now)
  • Extra badminton sessions (coming soon)
  • Extra health and fitness sessions (coming soon)
  • Introduction to fencing (coming soon)
  • Life skills drop in (coming soon)

For further information about the above or any of the existing enrichment activities being offered through Bradford College Plus please contact

Watch this space for more blog posts and exciting news to come!